Corporate governance

At SEC, we understand that maintaining corporate governance is an extremely important task. This involves checking the efficiency and fairness of management activities carried out on behalf of shareholders, avoiding management risk in a systematic manner, and boosting our corporate value. To achieve these objectives, we emphasize the holding of meetings of the Board of Directors meetings with ample time reserved for discussions, as well as enhancing the functions of the Audit and Supervisory Committee and internal auditors for checking the state of management. We will build, maintain, and improve systems for carrying out swift and bold decision-making in a transparent and fair way to achieve corporate governance while also considering the standpoints of all stakeholders. In addition, we will carry out action in an autonomous manner to achieve sustainable growth and boost our medium- to long-term corporate value.


At SEC, the code of conduct within our corporate philosophy includes directives to comply with laws and social norms, and maintain transparency across business activities. We have clearly displayed our corporate philosophy (consisting of objectives, policies, and a code of conduct) within our corporate rules and on our website, and we have notified people accordingly. In addition, we carry out compliance training for employees on an ongoing basis. We have also established an internal whistleblower system with the aim of achieving the early detection and prevention of compliance breaches. With respect to measures against antisocial forces, we do not maintain any kind of relationship with such forces, and we have established a policy to take a resolute attitude as an organization regarding unjustified demands and interference from such forces. We thoroughly educate all directors and employees about our policy regarding antisocial forces.